Year-round maintenance in the European Green Capital, Lahti

In the five-year maintenance management contract, we perform project-based year-round maintenance for the road and park areas in and around the city centre in cooperation with the City of Lahti. The aim of the contract is a comfortable and diverse living environment, resident satisfaction and a functional, healthy and clean city.
In 2021, Lahti was chosen as the European Green Capital, and the first Finnish city to receive the recognition. The city offers a diverse and, due to the hills in the area, challenging environment from an environmental maintenance perspective. The dense urban environment and streetside parking make snow removal and storage challenging at times. The busy traffic in the city centre also highlights the importance of paying special attention to safety.
The contract is focused around two areas: road work and green space maintenance. In winter, we perform snow removal, de-icing, levelling of packed snow, snow clearance, desanding and maintain skating rinks. In the summer, we maintain green spaces and paved areas. We are also responsible for the Market Square Christmas tree in Lahti, which we cut down as per the customer’s directions, set up on the Market Square and ultimately transport away. The year-round contract covers cleaning for the city centre, flag-raising, the machinery and equipment and the maintenance of traffic signs and signalling.
The international Lahti Ski Games are organised in Lahti every year in February–March. During the Lahti Ski Games, we perform traffic control and winter maintenance, such as de-icing and snow clearance also in areas that are not covered by the basic contract.
We perform contract work according to the needs of our customers, with the aim of maintaining a safe and comfortable environment. We keep the residents in the area up to speed through timely communications and participate in joint voluntary work of the residents, among other things. The residents can monitor the maintenance work through the Lahden kaupunkiympäristö Facebook group and the local paper.