
Would you like to give feedback on road traffic or an urban area? Do you have any questions about maintenance? You can give feedback through various feedback channels in accordance with the instructions. You can also check the frequently asked questions.

I want to give feedback about road traffic – who should I contact?

The feedback channel that should be used depends on the road or area in question.

For feedback about the street network of municipalities and cities, the municipality’s or city’s own feedback channel should be used.

You can give feedback about the state-owned road network through the Traffic Customer Service at or by calling 029 502 0600 (the service is provided by the ELY Centres). You can submit a report if, for example, a road is in poor condition, a street light is broken or you have other feedback about the condition of roads and road traffic. The customer service relays the information about the issue to the contractors that manage the roads.

Acute problems that endanger road traffic should be reported to the Road Users’ Phone Service, tel. 0200 2100 (the service is provided by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency). The phone service is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can call the Road Users’ Phone Service when, for example, a tree has fallen on the road, there is a dangerous hole in the road or there are rocks and objects on the road.

Traffic lights hotline

We maintain traffic lights in City of Vaasa.

The City of Vaasa traffic lights hotline, tel. 041 732 0943

Frequently asked questions

Road maintenance – who is responsible for road maintenance in Finland?

The regional ELY Centres (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) are responsible for the smoothness, safety and maintenance of road traffic, under the steering of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. For streets and urban areas, the municipality or city in question is responsible for maintenance.

As a contractor, Destia is responsible for ensuring that it meets the quality requirements for our maintenance contracts, which are set by the contracting parties. The roads and streets in each area have been divided into maintenance categories according to their use, with varying intervals for different maintenance measures, such as snow ploughing. More information about the maintenance categories for state-owned roads is available from the website of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. The information about municipal/city roads and streets is available on the websites of cities and municipalities.

Does Destia make decisions on the construction of roads or streets, speed limits or roadside mowing?

We are a contractor, which means that we do not make any decisions on construction, speed limits or roadside mowing.

The provision of services such as roadside mowing has been carefully specified in the road maintenance contracts. On a contract-by-contract basis, our clients have set out requirements for the various green spaces, according to which we operate. In our contracts, the client can be a municipality, a city or an ELY Centre.

Who do I contact for damage caused by a hole in the road, an object, ice clumps on the road, loose stones, pitch or paint stains, etc.?

The road user may claim damages if, in addition to the poor condition of the road, road maintenance has been carried out incorrectly or road maintenance tasks have been neglected. Poor road condition alone does not automatically entitle you to compensation. What is essential is whether the maintenance of the road and related equipment has been carried out in accordance with the quality requirements and whether the proper warnings have been given about dangerous areas. For example, speed limits and traffic arrangements must always be observed at road construction sites and in their vicinity.

If the damage has occurred on the road, the ELY Centre is responsible for the assessment and processing of the claim. After the damage has occurred, it is recommended you read the ELY Centre’s damages instructions as soon as possible. The instructions provide information about the investigations that must be carried out at the location where the damage occurred for the potential claim. The page also contains instructions on how to claim damages and the required forms.

If the damage has occurred in an area belonging to a city or a municipality – for example, on a street or in a park – the city or municipality in question is responsible for the assessment and processing of the claim. After damage has occurred, we recommend reading the instructions given by the city or municipality on how to deal with the situation.

More questions?

If you didn’t find an answer to your question, you can contact us by using our contact form.