
Hakkila stone bridge

The Hakkila stone bridge in Vantaa is one of the three stone bridges preserved in the area. The stone bridge, now over one hundred years old, is being restored in the Jokiniemi district in Vantaa.

Destia started the renovation of the arch bridge, known as the Keravanjoki bridge or the Hakkila stone bridge, in the summer 2016. The bridge crosses the Keravanjoki river in the old road line from Turku to Vyborg, or the Great Coast Road. It is currently used for bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

The Hakkila stone bridge is laid on a grate of logs. It is a single-opening granite arch bridge, in which both cut granite blocks and natural stone boulders have been used.

The bridge represents a construction method which was typical for the time. It is located in a
valuable landscape area and holds lots of local value.

For Destia, this was a demanding project as no information was available about the load-bearing
capacity of the bridge.

“We accessed the bridge using excavators and rollers, as small as possible, some 2–4 tons,” says Site Manager Jussi Tiainen.

“We did not dare to use larger ones.”

Authors: Helen Moster